Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My interpretation of dreams and bullets....

Yes, I'm back on here again. Really, I should be washing clothes and getting ready to head into the city, but I'm taking my time today. I won't even begin to tell you how I was inspired to write this blog...oh, my mind is again traveling into THOSE places. Back to the subject...

My interpretation of dreams and bullets...
I guess all of the bullshit that I've had to endure throughout my life can best define my dreams and bullets. I don't take anything as a mistake, more a lesson. Part of my character building. Yes, I've been back stabbed, sabotaged, beaten, bruised, homeless, helpless...but never soulless. Always maintained my integrity. But there have been many tests. Many, many tests that I know will continue to surprise me when I least expect it...to make sure that I'm staying true to my word...and to put me in check if I'm not. I've learned to remain focused, and only think positively, knowing that this mission will come to fruition if I just keep plugging into the bigger picture. I choose to live by my dreams...but will accept my fate if it's bullets that kill me. I hope that my bullets are sweet sonnets heard in the world's ear. I hope that I can make someone's life better. I hope that my bullets are beautiful, blossomed flowers shooting out of an oozie, into the hands of someone who needs a little hope. I want to do everything that I've set out to do...but at the end of the day, I want to be free...spontaneous. I hope to surprise even myself.

So, thank you to all of you who believed in me, and those who did not. It kept me motivated to make things happen. Thank you to all of those that shit on me when I needed someone the most. It taught me how to depend on myself. Thank you to all of those that inspired me...especially all of my peoples. Thanks for being fam. To all of you who were offended when I declined to go out to dinner, or dancing, please don't take it personally. I was just going home to create, and save some money to start a business. To all of you who called me, and received a phone call a month later, I still love you...I'm just making moves.

In the grander scheme of things, I'm hoping that we'll be able to give back more than we do now. Way too much suffering and pain going on, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit on my ass all day and not do my part to create a shift. It's all about looking out for one another. As I fly away to wherever the world is taking me right now, family, we HAVE NOT, and WILL NOT forget who you are. It's time to make moves.

Ang (not Brooklyn Angie...Philly Angie)

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