Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Emerald City...

What can I say? Flew into Seattle on Wednesday morning, and although it took a little time ( a few hours), I have definitely fallen in love with this city. The music, the art, the culture, the people, architecture...foliage. So much to appreciate. Considering I've been on the run lately, Seattle has forced me to slow down...take it easy...enjoy life. I'm sure that I won't be able to cover everything that I'd like to, but I'm doing my best to update you on travels, business, and some cool stuff to do if you should happen to find yourself traveling here.

One thing that I really appreciate is the fact that corporations have not completely taken over. Of course there are those big businesses here that can't be avoided, but all in all, this is the place to be if you want to start a creative venture of your own. So many great many great shops. I find myself waking up early daily, eager to go and explore something new.

I do love me some Capitol Hill. Although it's going through its transformation, it has yet to become as gentrified as areas such as Belltown. Went to the bar where Kurt Cobain was last seen alive, and the energy was a bit eerie. Not eerie in a bad way, but more along the lines that you could feel his energy in the room. I know some of you may think it's a little crazy, but for those of you that know and believe, you understand where I'm coming from.

I've found myself wandering through alleys taking pictures, talking to a lot of the homeless (they usually have some good stories to tell, if you're willing to look beyond the surface). I feel as though everyday I'm learning something new, not just about this city...about myself. The people have been so warm and welcoming. It hasn't been a problem to meet new people...from all walks of life. I'm a firm believer that you have to experience both sides of the scope in order to really appreciate where you are at any given moment. The contrasts...the affluence and the and white (and all races, colors, creeds in between) and and hate...east and and women...concrete jungles and vast open land...the rat race and easy know where I'm going.

I cannot be more grateful to have the opportunity to travel, network and bridges...converse on a level that most aren't even interested in discussing...the selflessness...Seattle, I love you...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Not idling away...

When it's so close you can taste it...when it's so destined, you just wait for the time to come. When you dream high and fly low. When they ask you the questions..and you already know the answer. When you can look beyond all of the hardships, negativity, and other people's hopes of our failure...when they say their congratulations through clenched's all good. We're used to it by now. And, so, we go anyway. Thanks y'all...

-- Sent from my Palm Prē

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wherever we may end exactly where we need to be....

There are dreams. There are bullets. Whatever the case, it's imperative to make any necessary moves in order to ensure that dreams will not be given up on. I now feel that I know the reason behind why we came back to Philly.  Of course, there are family and friends that are great to spend time with...but since we don't really see anyone as much as we like, with the exception of Rarebreed, I had to delve a little deeper as to the real reason that we are right here, right now.  Seems like the answers are coming to me through my dreams...ironically enough.

So, Dug and I have been talking, figuring out exactly what  moves we needed to make in order to continue on our path. Always in the back of our minds was "the merge...". I know I may seem a bit evasive now, but to protect the privacy of the other person possibly involved, I won't mention names out of respect for him. Anyway, it's all about being aware and ready when opportunity knocks...and even if it's not knocking, you have to make an opportunity for yourself...that way out of no way.

With all of that being said, a merge has always been on our minds. The hard part was asking this person if they would be willing to leave the life that they know in order to start over. Difficult to do since you don't ever want to make it seem as though you're trying to dictate. Didn't want to put anyone on the spot and make them uncomfortable...the friendship means way too much to us to have it, we just listened.

Last night is when I decided that I could no longer keep my mouth shut. It was on my heart...and then the dream came. So vivid...all of us there, successful...happy...calm. So, this morning I woke up and made the call. I know that he's ready...when I asked, he responded with no hesitancy...and now the dream unfolds...putting our heads down, getting it in order...and making moves...we'll have one another's fear, just faith...and a revised business plan. Stay tuned....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

No need for a mower...the grass never gets a chance to grow under our feet...

I know, I know, I's been too long...again. No, nothing and no one is forgotten...periods of transitions are strange for me. Quite honestly, I haven't been feeling the idea of blogging while in the midst of change. I have about 20 blogs saved on here, although for some reason, I never had it in me to finish them. So, instead of babbling about a whole lot of nothing, I decided to wait until I was inspired to do this again...without forcing it. So much to catch up on, I don't even know where to start. I'm going to do my best to update as much as possible, but it has been a minute, so excuse me if I forget a few points.

The "move" back to Philly was bittersweet. Many positives, some negatives...but, you know, we make the best of the situation. At the end of the day, it's about the greater good of us and "Dreams and Bullets". So, with that being said, we made the trek back to Philly to get what we needed to get in order. Did I mention that both of us are still working in New York? That's an adventure in itself, but after living in New York for 4 years, it's difficult to completely remove oneself from the city. Anyway, we came back with a goal...and a deadline. With that being said, the ultimate mission is to make sure that we are conducting, preparing and nurturing our business into what it has the potential to be. Yes, at times you feel like you're getting nowhere, but hey, we always keep our eye on the bigger picture...which is what gives us the motivation and tenacity to keep it moving...wherever we go.

So, we decided to take a trip out San Francisco. I'm definite that there will be a few more of those "trips" within the next couple of months...quite frankly, it's about having a base of our own, a place to call home...a city in which we can see ourselves become successful. Not monetarily...if you're good at what you do, the dough will follow...successful meaning, living life to the fullest, making decisions without worrying about what could go wrong...being inspired. So, yeah, San Fran definitely gave us a little boost, a surge of energy...

A lot of people have been asking us about the business...the website. No worries, we're not going anywhere. As said before, it's about doing things right, as opposed to jumping the gun and shooting ourselves in the foot. All is moving forward, although not as swift as we would've hoped for. For those of you that REALLY know us, you know that we're not going anywhere. Well, we'll be going "somewhere", but the business is coming along with us.

Big shout outs to everyone in San Francisco who made time to see us and talk business/pleasure...Sarah Nuernberger, John Polansky and Takia Mitchell for your hospitality, Mighty 119, Hotel Tomo, that "Dead Head" who made sure that we were all good for our entire trip, The Hundreds, Upper Playground...Madlib, Revmatic and Shortkut...damn good's all about connecting...yeah, connecting...East meets West. Talk soon, good people.
